Tuesday, June 23, 2020

My Coronavirus Quarantine Lucky Strike Extra, Saturday, June 20, 2020

These four beautiful humans headed home today (to Boston and Brooklyn, NY) after 97 days ðŸ˜® of living with me during the #stayhome Coronavirus quarantine.
It was a most unexpected and unanticipated period of time, but I will forever consider it my Lucky Strike Extra...
three months that we never longed for nor anticipated, yet had the gift of experiencing together. But after all was said and done, I got to know each of them better in so many ways... as adults, as fully independent contributing members of society, and as family who shared love as only family can.
And I couldn’t be any more proud to call them my “posse.” Emily, Julian, Christopher & Eugenia... I will miss all of you, I’ll never forget our time together,
I’ll miss enjoying your culinary delights and I look forward to the day when we’ll (hopefully) look back on and reminisce about this time as a most beautiful gift. I love you and I already miss you. ♥️ #stayhome #myluckystrikeextra #coronavirus #covid19 #lafamilia